Stan Eminem

Текст пісні та акорди для гітари

  • Гітарні акорди Ніна
    AmMy teaʼs gone Fcold, Iʼm wondering Gwhy
    I got Cout of Gbed at Amall
    The morning Frain cloudʼs up my Gwindow
    And CI canʼt Gsee at Amall
    And even if FI could, itʼd Gall be gray
    But your Cpicture Gon my Amwall
    It remFinds me
    That itʼs Amnot so bad, itʼs Fnot so bad

    AmMy teaʼs gone Fcold, Iʼm wondering Gwhy
    I got Cout of Gbed at Amall
    The morning Frain cloudʼs up my Gwindow
    And CI canʼt Gsee at Amall
    And even if FI could, itʼd Gall be gray
    But your Cpicture Gon my Amwall
    It remFinds me
    That itʼs Amnot so bad, itʼs Fnot so bad

AmDear Slim, I wrote you, Fbut you still ainʼt callin
GI left my cell, my pager, Cand my home phone at Bthe bottom
AmI sent two letters back in Autumn, Fyou must not have got ʼem
GThere probably was a problem with the Cpost office Bor somethinʼ

AmSometimes I scribble addresses Ftoo sloppy when I jot ʼem
GBut anyway, whatʼs Cbeen up man, howʼs your Bdaughter?
AmMy girlfriendʼs pregnant too, FIʼm bout to be a father
If I have a Gdaughter, guess what Iʼm a call Cher
Iʼm a name Bher Bonnie

AmI read about your Uncle FRonnie too, Iʼm sorry
GI had a friend kill himself over Csome A#m**** who didnʼt Bwant him
AmI know you probably hear this every Fday, but Iʼm your biggest Gfan
I even got that underCground s*** that you Bdid with Skam

AmI got a room full of your Fposters and your pictures man
GI like that s*** you did with CRawkus too, that s*** Bwas phat
AmAnyways, I hope you Fget this man, hit me back
GJust to chat, truly yours, Cyour biggest fan, Bthis is Stan

    AmMy teaʼs gone Fcold, Iʼm wondering Gwhy
    I got Cout of Gbed at Amall
    The morning Frain cloudʼs up my Gwindow
    And CI canʼt Gsee at Amall
    And even if FI could, itʼd Gall be gray
    But your Cpicture Gon my Amwall
    It remFinds me
    That itʼs Amnot so bad, itʼs Fnot so bad

Dear AmSlim, you still ainʼt called or Fwrote, I hope you have a chance,
GI ainʼt mad, I think itʼs just Cf***** up that you donʼt Banswer fans
AmIf you didnʼt wanna talk to me Foutside your concert
You didnʼt Ghave to, but you couldʼve signed an Cautograph for BMatthew

Thatʼs Ammy little brother man, heʼs only Fsix years old
We waited in the Gblistering cold for you
For Cfour hours and you Bjust said no
AmThatʼs pretty s****y man, Fyouʼre like his Fm***ing idol
GHe wants to be just like you man, Che likes you more Bthan I do

AmI ainʼt that mad though, FI just donʼt like being lied to
GRemember when we met in Denver, Cyou said if BI write you
You would Amwrite back, see Iʼm just like Fyou in a way
I never knew Gmy father neither
He used to Calways cheat on my Bmom and beat her

AmI can relate to what youʼre Fsaying in your songs
So when I Ghave a s****y day, I drift Caway and put em Bon
Cause I donʼt Amreally got s*** else, so that s*** Fhelps when Iʼm depressed
GI even got a tattoo of your Cname across Bthe chest

AmSometimes I even cut myself to Fsee how much it bleeds
Its like Gadrenaline, the pain is such Ca sudden rush Bfor me
See everAmthing you say is real, and I resFpect you cause you tell it
My girlGfriendʼs jealous, because I talk Cabout you 24/B7

AmBut she donʼt know you like I know you Fslim, no one does
GShe donʼt know what it was like for people Clike us growinʼ Bup
You gotta Amcall me man, Iʼll be the biggest Ffan youʼll ever lose
Sincerely Gyours, Stan, p.s. Cwe should be toBgether too

    AmMy teaʼs gone Fcold, Iʼm wondering Gwhy
    I got Cout of Gbed at Amall
    The morning Frain cloudʼs up my Gwindow
    And CI canʼt Gsee at Amall
    And even if FI could, itʼd Gall be gray
    But your Cpicture Gon my Amwall
    It remFinds me
    That itʼs Amnot so bad, itʼs Fnot so bad

AmDear Mr Iʼm-Too-Good-To-FCall-Or-Write-My-Fans
GThisʼll be the last package I Cever send your Ba**
Itʼs been six Ammonths and still no words
I donʼt desFerve it
I know you got my Glast two letters
I wrote the addCresses on them perfecBt

AmSo this is my cassette Iʼm sending you, FI hope you hear it
Iʼm Gin the car right now, Iʼm doinʼ C90 on the freeBway
AmHey Slim, I drank a fifth of Fvodka, dare me to drive?
GYou know that song by Phil CCollins, In the Air of Bthe Night

AmAbout that guy who couldʼve saved that Fother guy from drowning
But Gdidnʼt, but Phil saw it all, Cthen at a show he found Bhim
AmThatʼs kinda how this is, you couldʼve Frescued me from drowning
Now itʼs Gtoo late, Iʼm on a 1,000 Cdowners now, BIʼm drowsy

AmAnd all I wanted was a lousy Fletter or a call
GI hope you know I ripped all of your Cpictures off Bmy wall
AmI love you Slim, we couldʼve Fbeen together, think about it
GYou ruined it now, CI hope you canʼt sleep and you dream Babout it

AmAnd when you dream, I hope you Fcanʼt sleep and you scream about it
GI hope your conscience eats at Cyou and you canʼt Bbreathe without me
AmSee Slim, shut Fup A#m****, Iʼm trying to talk
GHey Slim, thatʼs my girlCfriend screaminʼ in the Btrunk

AmBut I didnʼt slit her throat, I just tied her Fup, see I ainʼt like you
GCause if she suffocates, sheʼll suffer Cmore, then sheʼll Bdie too
AmWell, gotta go, FIʼm almost under the bridge now
GOh s***, I forgot, Chow am I supposed to send Bthis s*** out?

    AmMy teaʼs gone Fcold, Iʼm wondering Gwhy
    I got Cout of Gbed at Amall
    The morning Frain cloudʼs up my Gwindow
    And CI canʼt Gsee at Amall
    And even if FI could, itʼd Gall be gray
    But your Cpicture Gon my Amwall
    It remFinds me
    That itʼs Amnot so bad, itʼs Fnot so bad

AmDear Stan, I meant to write you sooner, Fbut Iʼve just been busy
GYou say your girlfriendʼs pregnant Cnow, how far along Bis she?
AmLook, Iʼm really flattered you would Fcall your daughter that
And hereʼs an Gautograph for your brother
I Cwrote it on Bthis Starter cap

AmIʼm sorry I didnʼt Fsee you at the show, I mustʼve missed you
GDonʼt think I did that s*** Cintentionally Bjust to dis you
AmBut whatʼs that s*** you said Fabout you like to cut your wrists too?
GI say that s*** just clowninʼ dog
CCʼmon, how Fm***ed Bup is you?

AmYou got some issues, Stan, I Fthink you need some counseling
GTo keep your Am** from bouncinʼ off the Cwalls when you get Bdown some
AmAnd whatʼs this s*** about us Fmeant to be together?
GThat type of s*** will make me not Cwant us to meet each Bother

AmI really think you and your Fgirlfriend need each other
GOr maybe you just need to treat her Cbetter
BI hope you get to Amread this letter, I hope it Freaches you in time
Before you Ghurt yourself, I think that youʼll Cbe doin Bjust fine

If you reAmlax a little, Iʼm glad that I inFspire you, but Stan
Why Gare you so mad? Try to underCstand, that I do Bwant you as a fan
AmI just donʼt want you to Fdo some crazy s***
I seen this Gone s*** on the news a couple of Cweeks ago that Bmade me sick

AmSome dude was drunk and drove his Fcar over a bridge
And had his Ggirlfriend in his trunk and she was Cpregnant with his Bkid
And in the Amcar they found a tape, didnʼt Fsay who it was to
Come to Gthink about it, his name was, Cit was yoBu...


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