Fairytale Of New York The Pogues

Текст пісні та акорди для гітари

  • Гітарні акорди Адам
Intro: G D G A D

AIt was Christmas Eve Dbabe, in the Gdrunktank
An old man said to Dme, wonʼt see another one
AAnd then he sang a Dsong
ʼThe Rare Old GMountain Dewʼ
And I turned my face awayD 
And Gdreamed about Ayou

Got on a lucDky one, came in eighteen Gto one
Iʼve got a Dfeeling this yearʼs for me and youA 
So Happy ChriDstmas, I love you Gbaby
I can see a Dbetter time when Gall our dreams Acome true

Instrumental: D G D

Theyʼve got Dcars
Big as Abars
Theyʼve got Bmrivers of Ggold
But the Dwind goes right through you
Itʼs no place for the Aold
When you Dfirst took my Bmhand
On a Dcold Christmas GEve
You Dpromised me
Broadway was Awaiting for Dme

You were Dhandsome, you were pretty
Queen of New York ACity
When the Dband finished Gplaying
They Ahowled out for Dmore
DSinatra was swinging
All the drunks they were Asinging
We Dkissed on the Gcorner
Then Adanced through the Dnight

    The Gboys of the NYPD Achoir
    Were Dsinging ʼGalway BmBayʼ
    And the Dbells were Gringing
    AOut for Christmas Dday

Instrumental: Bm D A D

DYouʼre a bum, youʼre a punk
Youʼre an old slut on Ajunk
Living Dthere almost Gdead on a Adrip
In that Dbed, you scum bag, you maggot
You cheap lousy Afaggot
Happy DChristmas your Garse I pray AGod
Itʼs our Dlast A  D 

    The Gboys of the NYPD Achoir
    Were Dsinging ʼGalway BmBayʼ
    And the Dbells were Gringing
    AOut for Christmas DdayG  D  A 

I could have Dbeen someone
Well, so could Ganyone
You took my Ddreams
From me when I first Afound you
I kept them Dwith me babe
I put them Gwith my own
Canʼt make it Dall alone
Iʼve built my Gdreams arAound Dyou

    The Gboys of the NYPD Achoir
    Were Dsinging ʼGalway BmBayʼ
    And the Dbells were Gringing
    AOut for Christmas DdayG  D  A 

Coda: G D A D x3

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