The Times They Are A-Changin Bob Dylan

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  • Гітарні акорди Євген
Come Ggather ʼround Empeople wherCever you Groam
And adGmit that the Emwaters aCround you have Dgrown
And acGcept it that Emsoon youʼll be Cdrenched to the Gbone

If your Gtime to Amyou is worth Dsavinʼ
Then you Dbetter start swimCminʼ or youʼll sink Glike a Dstone,
For the Gtimes, they Care a-DchanGginʼ

Come Gwriters and Emcritics who propheCsize with your Gpen
And Gkeep your eyes Emwide the chance Cwonʼt come aDgain
And Gdonʼt speak too Emsoon for the Cwheelʼs still in Gspin

And thereʼs Gno tellinʼ Amwho that itʼs Dnaminʼ
For the Dloser Cnow will be Glater toD win
For the Gtimes they Care a-DchanGginʼ

Come Gsenators, Emcongressmen Cplease heed the Gcall
Donʼt Gstand in the Emdoorway, donʼt Cblock up the Dhall
For Ghe that gets Emhurt will be Che who has Gstalled

Thereʼs a Gbattle outAmside and itʼs Draginʼ
Itʼll sooDn shake your Cwindows and Grattle your Dwalls
For the Gtimes they Care a-DchanGginʼ

Come Gmothers and Emfathers Cthroughout the Gland
And Gdonʼt critiEmcize what you Ccanʼt underDstand
Your Gsons and your Emdaughters are beCyond your comGmand

Your Gold road is Amrapidly Daginʼ
Please geDt out of the Cnew one if you Gcanʼt lend a Dhand
For the Gtimes they Care a-DchanGginʼ

The Gline it is Emdrawn the Ccurse it is Gcast
The Gslow one Emnow will Clater be Dfast
As the Gpresent Emnow will Clater be Gpast

The Gorder is Amrapidly Dfadinʼ
And the fDirst one Cnow will Glater be Dlast
For the Gtimes they Care a-DchanGginʼ

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