The Day I Was Born Ed Sheeran

Текст пісні та акорди для гітари

  • Гітарні акорди Богдан
Got a Ccall from my mother who Fwishes that she was here
Couple of Gcards in the post that Iʼm readinʼ
I want the Cwarmth of the summer, the Fcold too cold to bear
The only Gplus is the sweater I needed

I broke aCpart from my lover a Fcouple months ago
If they were Ghere, then I guess I wouldnʼt be alone
This is the Clife in the city and Fthatʼs the way it goes
But itʼs a Gfine excuse just to leave it

    DmI hit her mom and I Casked, «Arе you cominʼ oGver?»
    DmAnd all I got was a Cshrug and then, «I donʼt kGnow»

    And evеryone CI know is hidden aFway
    Tryna make Gtheir bodies clean again
    And they donʼt Cwant to celeFbrate
    Nobody Gcares this is the day I was born

    Always the Cmonth when parties come to an Fend
    The same exGcuses from every friend
    Another Cyear and now weʼre here aFgain
    Nobody Gcares this is the day I was born

    Another birthday aClone
    La-la-Flay, la-la-Glay
    Another birthday aClone
    La-la-Flay, la-la-Glay

I hit a Cbar in town, get my acFcount, start a tav
EveryGday that weʼre here, well, weʼre never gettinʼ back
And so I Cdrink for the confidence ʼFcause thatʼs what I lack
And end up Gtalkinʼ to strangers and findinʼ another plaque

I am deCnyinʼ in the carpet, Fspinninʼ on my own
Watchinʼ Gpointless shit and flickinʼ through my phone
And would CApril be better? I Fguess Iʼll never know
Iʼll take the Gkeys from my pocket and stumble into home

    And DmI feel low, but I Cguess I could feel loGwer
    DmIʼm headinʼ down and Cnow Iʼm on a Grow

    And evеryone CI know is hidden aFway
    Tryna make Gtheir bodies clean again
    And they donʼt Cwant to celeFbrate
    Nobody Gcares this is the day I was born

    Always the Cmonth when parties come to an Fend
    The same exGcuses from every friend
    Another Cyear and now weʼre here aFgain
    Nobody Gcares this is the day I was born

    Another birthday aClone
    La-la-Flay, la-la-Glay

Instrumental: C F G x2

    DmI feel low, but I Cguess I could feel loGwer
    DmIʼm headinʼ down and Cnow Iʼm on a Grow

    And evеryone CI know is hidden aFway
    Tryna make Gtheir bodies clean again
    And they donʼt Cwant to celeFbrate
    Nobody Gcares this is the day I was born

    Always the Cmonth when parties come to an Fend
    The same exGcuses from every friend
    Another Cyear and now weʼre here aFgain
    Nobody Gcares this is the day I was born

    Another birthday aClone
    La-la-Flay, la-la-Glay
    Another birthday aClone
    La-la-Flay, la-la-Glay C 

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