The Foggy Dew Авторські пісні

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AsAm down the glen one EGaster Emmorn to a Ccity Gfair rodAme I,
ThAmeir armed lines of mGarching Emmen in Csquadrons Gpassed meAm by;
NCo pipe did hum, nor Gbattle Amdrum did sound its louGd tattoAmo,
But the AmAngelus bell oʼer the GLiffeyʼs Emswell rang Cout through the EmFoggy DAmew.

Right Amproudly high oʼer GDublin EmTown they Chung out the Gflag of Amwar,
Twas Ambetter to die neath an GIrish Emsky than at CSuvla or GSud El AmBar;
And Cfrom the plains of GRoyal AmMeath strong men came hGurrying Amthrough,
While AmBrittaniaʼs sons, with their Glong range Emguns,
sailed Cin through the EmFoggy DAmew.

O, the Amnight fell black, and the Grifles Emcrack made CPerfidious GAlbion Amreel,
ʼMid the Amleaden rain, seven Gtongues of Emflame did Cshine oʼer the Glines of Amsteel;
By each Cshinning blade a Gprayer was said that to AmIreland her sGons be Amtrue,
And when Ammorning broke still the Gwar flag Emshook out itʼs Cfolds in the EmFoggy DAmew.

ʼTwas AmEngland bade our GWild Geese Emgo that Csmall nations Gmight be Amfree,
But their Amlonely graves are by GSuvlaʼs Emwaves or the Cshores of the GGreat North AmSea.
Oh Chad they died by GPearseʼs Amside or had fought with GCathal BrAmugha,
Their Amnames weʼd keep where the GFenians Emsleep, ʼneath the Cshroud of the EmFoggy DAmew.

But the Ambravest fell, and the Grequiem Embell rang mCournfully Gand Amclear,
For Amthose who died that GEasterEmtide in the Cspringtime of Gthe Amyear.
While the Cworld did gaze with Gdeep Amamaze at those fearless Gmen but Amfew,
Who Ambore the fight that Gfreedomʼs Emlight might Cshine through the EmFoggy DAmew.

Back Amthrough the glen I Grode Emagain, and my Cheart with Ggrief was Amsore,
For I Amparted then with Gvalient Emmen who I Cnever Gshall see Amno more;
But Cto and from in my Gdreams I Amgo, and Iʼd kneel and pGray for Amyou,
For Amslavery fled, OʼG glorious Emdead when youC fell in theEm Foggy AmDew.

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