Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus Авторські пісні

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  • Гітарні акорди Світлана
GWhat can wash aDway my sin?
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus;
GWhat can make me wDhole again?
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus.

GFor my pardon, Dthis I see,
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus;
GFor my cleansing tDhis my plea,
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus.

    GOh, precious is the Dflow
    Em7That makes me Cwhite as snow;
    GNo other Dfount I know,
    Em7Nothing but the blood of JCesus.

GNothing can forD sin atone,
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus;
GNaught of good that DI have done,
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus.

GThis is all my Dhope and peace,
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus;
GThis is all my rigDhteousness,
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus.

    GOh, precious is the Dflow
    Em7That makes me Cwhite as snow;
    GNo other Dfount I know,
    Em7Nothing but the blood of JCesus.

GNow by this IʼllD overcome
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus;
GNow by this Iʼll rDeach my home
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus.

GGlory! Glory! TDhis I sing
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus,
GAll my praise for Dthis I bring
Em7Nothing but the blood of CJesus.

    GOh, precious is the Dflow
    Em7That makes me Cwhite as snow;
    GNo other Dfount I know,
    Em7Nothing but the blood of JCesus.

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