Mary Had A Little Lamb Авторські пісні

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  • Гітарні акорди Всеволод
AMary had a little lamb,
E7Little lamb, Alittle lamb,
AMary had a little lamb,
Its E7fleece was white as Asnow

AEverywhere that Mary went,
E7Mary went, AMary went,
AEverywhere that Mary went
The E7lamb was sure to Ago

It Afollowed her to school one day
E7School one day, Aschool one day
It Afollowed her to school one day
Which E7was against the Arules.

It Amade the children laugh and play,
E7Laugh and play, Alaugh and play,
It Amade the children laugh and play
To E7see a lamb at Aschool

And Aso the teacher turned it out,
E7Turned it out, Aturned it out,
And Aso the teacher turned it out,
But E7still it lingered Anear

And Awaited patiently about,
PatientE7ly about, patientAly about,
And Awaited patiently about
Till E7Mary did apApear

A«Why does the lamb love Mary so?»
E7Love Mary so? Love Mary Aso?
A«Why does the lamb love Mary so?»
The E7eager children Acry

«Why, AMary loves the lamb, you know.»
Loves the E7lamb you know, loves the Alamb you know
«Why, AMary loves the lamb, you know.»
The E7teacher did reAply

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