Hakuna Matata (The Lion King) Авторські пісні

Текст пісні та акорди для гітари

  • Гітарні акорди Олександра
    Hakuna maFtata, what a wonderful Cphrase!
    Hakuna maFtata, Dainʼt no passing Gcraze.
    It means no Amworries Ffor the rest of your Ddays
    Itʼs our Cproblem-free phiGlosophy - Hakuna maCtata

Instrumental: A# F C F
A# F C

Why, when A#he was a Fyoung warCthog
When A#I was a young FwarCthog

He D#found his aroma lacked a Fcertain appeal
He could Cclear the savannah after Gevʼry meal
Iʼm a A#sensitive soul, Fthough I seem Cthickskinned.
And it Churt that my friends never stood downGwind
And, oh, - the Cshame! He was a - shamed!
Thought of changinʼ my Gname!

Oh, whatʼs in a name?
And I got downA#hearted
How did you feel? ...evʼry time that I...

    Hakuna maFtata, what a wonderful Cphrase!
    Hakuna maFtata, Dainʼt no passing Gcraze.
    It means no Amworries Ffor the rest of your Ddays
    Itʼs our Cproblem-free phiGlosophy - Hakuna maCtata

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