Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations Авторські пісні

Текст пісні та акорди для гітари

  • Гітарні акорди Інна
Intro: C E7 F G x2

    Why do you Cbuild me up (build me up) E7Buttercup, baby
    Just to Flet me down (let me down) and Gmess me around
    And then Cworst of all (worst of all) E7you never call, baby
    When you Fsay you will (say you will) but GI love you still

    I need Cyou (I need you) more than anyone, darlinʼ
    You Fknow that I have from the Fmstart
    So Cbuild me up GButtercup,
    Donʼt break my FhearGt

«Iʼll be Cover at Gten,» you told me A#time and Fagain
But youʼre laCte, I wait Faround and then
I Cwent to the Gdoor, I canʼt A#take any Fmore
Itʼs not Cyou, you let me Fdown again

    (Hey, hey, hey!) DmBaby, baby, Gtry to find
    (Hey, hey, hey!) EmA little time and AIʼll make you mine
    (Hey, hey, hey!) FIʼll be home
    Iʼll be Dbeside the phone waiting for Gyou
    GOoo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

    Why do you Cbuild me up (build me up) E7Buttercup, baby
    Just to Flet me down (let me down) and Gmess me around
    And then Cworst of all (worst of all) E7you never call, baby
    When you Fsay you will (say you will) but GI love you still

    I need Cyou (I need you) more than anyone, darlinʼ
    You Fknow that I have from the Fmstart
    So Cbuild me up GButtercup,
    Donʼt break my FhearGt

To Cyou Iʼm a Gtoy but I A#could be the Fboy you
CAdore, if youʼd just Flet me know
AltChough youʼre unGtrue,
Iʼm attA#racted to Fyou all the Cmore
Why do I Fneed you so

    (Hey, hey, hey!) DmBaby, baby, Gtry to find
    (Hey, hey, hey!) EmA little time and AIʼll make you mine
    (Hey, hey, hey!) FIʼll be home
    Iʼll be Dbeside the phone waiting for Gyou
    GOoo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

    Why do you Cbuild me up (build me up) E7Buttercup, baby
    Just to Flet me down (let me down) and Gmess me around
    And then Cworst of all (worst of all) E7you never call, baby
    When you Fsay you will (say you will) but GI love you still

    I need Cyou (I need you) more than anyone, darlinʼ
    You Fknow that I have from the Fmstart
    So Cbuild me up GButtercup,
    Donʼt break my FhearGt

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