Be Thou My Vision Авторські пісні

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  • Гітарні акорди Галина
CBe Thou my Amvision, O FLord of my Cheart
GNaught be all else to me, Fsave that Thou Gart
AmThou my best Fthought, by Cday or by FniGght
CWaking or Amsleeping, Thy Fpresence my Clight.

CBe Thou my Amwisdom, and FThou my true Cword
GI ever with Thee, and FThou with me, GLord
AmThou my great FFather, and CI Thy true FsoGn;
CThou in me Amdwelling, and FI with Thee Cone.

CBe Thou my Ambattle shield, Fsword for the Cfight
GBe Thou my dignity, FThou my Gdelight
AmThou my soul’s Fshelter, CThou my high FtowGer:
CRaise Thou me Amheavenward, O Fpower of my Cpower.

CRiches I Amheed not, nor Fmanʼs empty Cpraise
GThou mine inheritance Fnow and alwGays:
AmThou and Thou Fonly, Cfirst in my FheaGrt
CHigh King of Amheaven, my Ftreasure Thou Cart.

CHigh King of Amheaven, my Fvictory Cwon,
GMay I reach Amheavenʼs joys, FO bright heavenʼs GSun!
AmHeart of my Fown heart, whatCever FbeGfall,
CStill be my Amvision, O FRuler of Call.

CStill be my Amvision, O FRuler of Call.

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