An Easter Hallelujah - Cassandra Star ft Callaghan Авторські пісні

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Intro: F

A Fcrown of thorns placed Dmon His head
He Fknew that He would Dmsoon be dead
He A#said, «Did you forCget me, Father Fdid you?C»
They Fnailed Him to a A#wooden Ccross
Soon Dmall the world would A#feel the loss
Of CChrist the King beA7fore His HalDmlelujah
HalleA#lujah, HalleDmlujah, HalA#lelujah, HalFlelu-Cu-u-u-Fjah...

He Fhung His head and preDmpared to die
Then Flifted His face up Dmto the sky
Said, «A#I am coming Chome now Father, Fto you»C 
A Freed which held His A#final Csip
Was Dmgently lifted A#to his lips
He Cdrank His last and A7gave His soul to Dmglory
HalleA#lujah, HalleDmlujah, HalA#lelujah, HalFlelu-Cu-u-u-Fjah...

The Fsoldier who had Dmused his sword
To Fpierce the body Dmof our Lord
Said, «A#Truly, this was CJesus Christ our FSavior»C 
He Flooked with fear A#upon his Csword
Then Dmturned to face his A#Christ and Lord
CFell to his knees A7crying HalleDmlujah
HalleA#lujah, HalleDmlujah, HalA#lelujah, HalFlelu-Cu-u-u-Fjah...

Took Ffrom his head the Dmthorny crown
And Fwrapped him in a Dmlinen gown
Then A#laid him down to Crest inside the Ftomb C 
The Fholes in his hands, his A#feet and Cside
Now Dmin our hearts we A#know he died
To Csave us from ourA7selves, oh HalleDmlujah
HalleA#lujah, HalleDmlujah, HalA#lelujah, HalFlelu-Cu-u-u-Fjah...

Three Fdays went by, Dmagain they came
To Fmove the stone, to Dmbless the slain
With A#oil and spice Canointing HalleFlujah C 
But Fas they went to A#move the Cstone
They Dmsaw that they were A#not alone
For CJesus Christ has A7risen, HalleDmlujah
HalleA#lujah, HalleDmlujah, HalA#lelujah, HalFlelu-Cu-u-u-Fjah...

HalleA#lujah, HalleDmlujah, HalA#lelujah, HalFlelu-Cu-u-u-Fjah...

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