America The Beautiful Авторські пісні

Текст пісні та акорди для гітари

  • Гітарні акорди Маргарита
O Gbeautiful for Dspacious skies,
for D7amber waves of Ggrain
For Gpurple mountain Dmajesties,
aAbove the Amfruited Dplain!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Amshed his Dgrace on Gthee
And Ccrown thy Amgood with GbrotherEm7hood,
from Amsea to Dshining Gsea!

O Gbeautiful for Dpilgrim feet,
whose D7stern impassioned Gstress
A Gthoroughfare of Dfreedom beat,
aAcross the AmwilderDness!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Ammend thine Devery Gflaw
ConCfirm thy Amsoul in Gself-contEm7rol,
Thy AmliberDty in Glaw!

O Gbeautiful for Dheroes proved,
in D7liberating Gstrife.
Who Gmore than self their Dcountry loved,
and Amercy Ammore than Dlife!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
May AmGod thy Dgold reGfine
Till Call sucAmcess be GnobleEm7ness,
and Amevery Dgain diGvine!

O Gbeautiful for Dpatriot dream,
that D7sees beyond the Gyears
Thine Galabaster Dcities gleam,
unAdimmed by Amhuman Dtears!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Amshed his Dgrace on Gthee
And Ccrown thy Amgood with GbrotherEm7hood,
from Amsea to Dshining Gsea!

O Gbeautiful for Dhalcyon skies,
For D7amber waves of Ggrain,
For Gpurple mountain Dmajesties
AAbove the Amenameled Dplain!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Amshed his Dgrace on Gthee
Till Csouls wax Amfair as Gearth and Em7air
And Ammusic-Dhearted Gsea!

O Gbeautiful for Dpilgrims feet,
Whose D7stem impassioned Gstress
A Gthoroughfare for Dfreedom beat
AAcross the AmwilderDness!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Amshed his Dgrace on Gthee
Till Cpaths be Amwrought through Gwilds of thouEm7ght
By Ampilgrim Dfoot and Gknee!

O Gbeautiful for Dglory-tale
Of D7liberating Gstrife
When Gonce and twice, for Dmanʼs avail
Men Alavished Amprecious Dlife!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Amshed his Dgrace on Gthee
Till Cselfish Amgain no Glonger stEm7ain
The Ambanner Dof the Gfree!

O Gbeautiful for Dpatriot dream
That D7sees beyond the Gyears
Thine Galabaster Dcities gleam
UnAdimmed by Amhuman Dtears!
AGmerica! AAmmeriDca!
God Amshed his Dgrace on Gthee
Till Cnobler Ammen keep Gonce agEm7ain
Thy Amwhiter DjubiGlee!

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